
Friday, 8 July 2011

Competition: Photo Prompt

Well, we made it! Over 100 Facebook likes and, as promised, here is a competition for you to get stuck in to. Lesley Galston ( and Rebecca Emin ( have both recently run flash fiction competitions, and they have inspired me to come up with my own!

There's not much to it - I just need between 500 and 750 words based around the picture above. It can be anything you like, any genre, any subject, as long as the prompt is used somehow. I want people to get creative!

The winning entry will receive a copy of my novel, Mother's Helper, and a £10 Amazon voucher.

There are, of course, rules (no competition would be complete without them...):

1. Please email your entry to as a Word (.doc or .docx) file attachment
2. Please don't put your name on the actual Word document as they will be judged anonymously.
3. It goes without saying, please only send in work that you've written yourself...
4. Please be aware that the winning entry will appear in full on my blog (with full credit to the winner), so if you don't want it published, please don't enter!
5. Closing date is 5pm (BST) on 6th September 2011.
6. I can only accept one entry per person, so please send in your best :)

That's it! If you have any questions, please email the above address and I will try to help out.

Good luck and have fun!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, this sounds great, I have just sent the link to a friend of mine who may be interested.

    Thanks for the mention too.
