Thursday, 26 January 2012

Poem: Dragon Tears

As hot as dragon tears
My soul for yours,
A fiery question
Awaits your fractured response
To my fruitless repose.
I’m the dragon, you say?
Or am I the flames that burn?
I wonder which is worse,
Which is better…
Which has the happy ending? 

©Lisamarie Lamb 2012 

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Brand New Cover Art!

For some time now I've been wondering whether new - professional - covers would make my books more appealing, more interesting, less 'amateur'.

Articles and blog posts, tweets and Facebook comments, seemed to all be mentioning making sure that a designer was hired to do the cover art. It was essential. Definitely.

I wasn't so sure.

I had designed my own covers, and they were fine. Weren't they? They looked all right. Didn't they? I thought so. And so I left them as they were, the basic Lulu backdrops and royalty and copyright free photos splashed on top. Lovely. That would do.

But then I became involved in anthologies, and when I saw what a professional designer could do, I started to feel rather envious. My books, when compared to these new ones, looked a bit, well, homemade. They looked a lot homemade, if I'm honest.

I bemoaned my inability to do anything remotely 'arty' and that I couldn't afford a cover designer. I mostly complained to my husband who, in a stroke of genius (or he had reached his limit on my moaning), said that I should at least find out some prices for a designer. At least do that. Because I hadn't.

I just assumed that it would be too much.

Word of mouth is a wonderful thing. Word of mouth led me to Paul Beeley of Create Imaginations. Word of mouth meant that I found a designer I could afford and who has done the most incredible job of reinvigorating my poor old book covers.

Paul has managed to take a few words of description and mold them into creepy covers that are just right for my stories. All it took were a few emails back and forth to work out what was needed, and there were the covers, done and fun!

He also works to a fixed price, which gives the writer peace of mind. It also means that if you need to budget, it's easy to do. Contact Paul to get a quote - I promise you'll be impressed with what he comes up with!

Do you like the new covers? Let me know what you think!

Saturday, 7 January 2012

Published: Satan's Toybox - Toy Soldiers AND Skeletal Remains

It's funny, isn't it? You wait ages for a good anthology to come along, and then two arrive at once! Much like buses, really. And, much like buses, these two are blooming scary! The good thing about them is that when you're reading them you won't have to sit next to any smelly weirdos who are trying to look over your shoulder... Unless that's your thing, of course.

First we have the second anthology from Angelic Knight Press' Satan's Toybox series. This is Satan's Toybox: Toy Soldiers (available through and - print to follow).

I love this series because it taps into something we're all afraid of. Or something we all used to be afraid. Or something that we're still afraid of but don't want to admit to! Toys. Toys can be terribly scary. Think of them, watching you at night, never sleeping, never resting, they're always plotting and thinking and... Well, you get the idea. And with Toy Soldiers there's something more - these toys are meant to be violent, they are meant to kill, at least in a child's imagination. So once they're let loose to show their true colours, bad things will happen.

My story, 'The Nutcracker's Game', deals with a perfect Victorian Christmas (or three), all of which go horribly, fatally, wrong because of a little Christmas decoration. Who would have thought?

The second anthology is Rymfire Books' Skeletal Remains. This is available in print and Kindle ( and editions.

Skeletons... they shouldn't be scary, really, should they? After all, they can't do anything. They're just bones, there's not even any connective tissue... They are the deadest thing imaginable, with no soul, no consciousness.

And perhaps that is the thing which makes them scary. They are mindless, focused things, grinning away as though they know more than they're letting on, and in this terrifying anthology they are most definitely alive...

My story, 'Anatomy', details the afterlife of a classroom skeleton at the dawn of medicine. But how many skeletons is it really? And just how many students have disappeared over the years? The numbers add up to something chilling...

Enjoy! These anthologies are both wonderful additions to any horror buff's library, and I am proud to be part of them.

©Lisamarie Lamb 2012